dear wyatt >> crazy 8

hey little monkey, another month has passed us already. "wyatt time" is seriously crazy. it goes by faster than i ever expected. you are doing so many fun things now.

  • you are sitting up like a pro and practically crawling as of this week - scooting head first to get where you need! you haven't quite made the connection that keeping your knees and shoulders up at the same time is the real deal. you'll get there. 
  • you are making so many new sounds. as of this week, we're hearing a lot of mmm's, pa's and ba's. 
  • you are a smart cookie. you know that no means "i'm going to make my mama laugh". it's so hilarious. you may be asking yourself "why in the world am i hearing 'no' already - i'm ONLY 8 months old?" ya, well, i'll say this - the breast feeding thing is getting a bit more challenging. you like to bite down. it hurts. and you don't even have teeth yet.
  • you started clapping this weekend and it is by far my favorite thing right now. seriously adorbs. 
  • you're new bed time as of this week is 10:30. awesome. not. 
  • you are loving "solids" (still not sure why they call them this - they are practically a liquid...) and your fave's this month are bananas, carrots, and pears. i tried a new brand this week that was spinach banana pear all mixed together. mmm. mmm. (oh yah, you hate the baby food i've made myself. i gave up and moved to organic jarred baby food and i'm loving it because you are loving it. whatever works.)
  • you twiddle your thumbs a lot. when you are watching daddy use an electronic you really go to town. i noticed this week how much you love watching him vacuum, mow, and leaf blow. you watched papa like a hawk yesterday when he cut the roast beef with the electronic knife. can't wait for you to watch grandpa j weld. 
  • you can officially sleep through anything. war zone week was nothin' for you. especially on the 4th, when it was absolutely crazy town outside our window. 
  • you are such a flirt. you will flirt and charm your way out of anything. especially bedtime. 
  • you are absolutely obsessed with the dogs. you yell at them when they bark. (wonder where you get that?) and you'd do anything for them to pay you even an ounce of attention. 
  • you are loving summer time weather and being outside. you get so cozy and focused on our walks. as long as you have a binky, you're a-ok.
  • you scratch us - a lot. this week you broke skin on both mine and daddy's faces. it hurts.
  • you attack my moles like ants. it hurts. 
  • you love your grandparents so much. you have so many that love you - gramma, grammie, grampa, papa, grandma, nana, and popsie would do anything for you little guy. 
  • we had to lower the crib a few weeks back. you were starting to pull yourself up and it scared the crap out of me. you have issues with your crib. you got your thunder thigh stuck in it last night and again, it scared the crap out of me. you do that a lot.
  • you love your "puppy" that nana got you. it's the perfect little size for you. i'm pretty sure you aren't going to be much of a blankie kid. you like your stuffed animals, just like daddy did. 

we had a really good week, aside from getting sick together. it was the 4th on wednesday and we scored a pretty decent family pic out of the deal. you really make the pic. (you love what you picked out for daddy's father's day gift! that back pack is your new bff.) 

i'm leaving you this week and i'm thinking it's going to be alright. it will be the longest i've been away  (tuesday through friday) but i'm justifying it with this statement that i keep saying to myself whenever i feel myself going down the sad path: "i'm really only missing 3 hours a day with you, and even then, those 3 hours during the week tend to be a shit show because you are so crabby and done for the day." love you. 

that's all for now. we're still obsessed with you little guy. we kinda love you. like a lot. 

like a lot times infinity. 

(sometimes i picture you reading these letters when you are off at college. i wonder if it all makes sense to you when you read them. like, "oh yah, now i get it. my mom has been crazy all along." or maybe you think "what the hell is she doing right now without me home?" or "my poor dad." or "wow, she wasn't joking. she is going to be up here every weekend isn't she???" or "is it too late to go out of state?" you're screwed kid. you are 100% stuck with me. for good.) 
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