dear wyatt >> big bro, big job!

sweet bug, you are going to be a big brother! and now that we're already almost 13 weeks into this thing, it's starting to feel real. things are about to change quite a bit around here. your world is going to shift but i already know you're going to do amazing. you are our first sweet bambino and we learn so much from you every day. you are going to continue to teach us things as we enter into this new phase too. the most incredible thing you've taught us so far is how much your daddy and i can love someone. how together, we've created a family. you have taught us that life is so big, that this world is so good, and that through your eyes everything is special and new again. you have taught us what it's all about - family. 

we're excited to bring another little bambino into our world because we know we are meant to be parents. you are meant to be a big brother. it will be hard sometimes, and i'm sure your little nose will get out a joint a time or two, but with the hard times comes even more great times. special memories. life lessons. 

you need to know that i did feel some guilt at first, thinking how little you still are. and if this journey ahead really was meant to be. did we rush things a bit, did i not give us enough time with just you? you're still so little. 

you're still our baby. 

what i've learned in the last 6 weeks is that this IS our journey. this is OUR story. your little brother or sister is so lucky to have a big brother that i know will protect them, watch over them, love them, teach them, and respect them. i am sure you will be mean to them, maybe kick them, or even bite them but i know your love for them will outweigh the fights and the moments you think you hate them. 

we're going to live up the next 6 months, sweet boy. and when nug #2 joins us in july, our house will be filled with even more love - for you, our family, and this life we've created - together. 

love you,
your mama.

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