bump it - 17 weeks

it's official. these bump shots make it so. i am finally into this pregnancy. i can tell you one thing, feeling like 10% of yourself for 2.5 months does not rock. i feel like a new girl today. that was the longest first trimester - fo sho. today i woke up feeling like my old self, minus the extra weight, and the protruding belly. 17 weeks into this thing? only 17 weeks? last night ty said this pregnancy was "flying by"... um... glad he thinks so. i have a pretty good feeling this week will mark it finally kicking into high gear - with one small exception. i still have to wait 3 more weeks until we find out what's cooking in there. i can not wait. understatement alert. i am dying to know. dying.

foods i am into:
  • eggs - even though they kind of gross me out, i eat them anyway for the protein. i eat about 3 a day.
  • cheese - string, cheddar, gouda, you name it.
  • apples - really into my classic pink lady's and fuji's (always have one before bed with cheese)
  • blueberries - is it just me, or are these so delish right now?!
  • burgers - pretty much loving ty's the best right now. mc'd's are grossing me out. and definitely not eating the horse meat at burger king. no thank you. 
  • peanut butter chocolate ice cream - prefer haagen daaz. mmm.
  • steak - filet done medium are pretty good right now
  • cous cous - love it with lime and balsamic vinegar
  • avacado - with a little salt/pepper!
  • lime anything 
  • sushi, sushi, and more sushi (i'd eat it everyday)
  • green tea - i'll have a cup a couple times a week and boy does it give me a little pick me up!
  • apple sauce - doused in cinnamon and sugar of course

ty's been amazing, as usual. even better this time around. i am so incredibly lucky. thank my stars every night for this catch of mine. the conversations we've been having lately have been pretty hilarious. i know i am not at my best, looks wise especially. i know that every night i look like something the cat drug in. i haven't gotten my hair done since may. i finally got a pedicure this weekend - first one since december. also got my face waxed - literally, i think she waxed my whole face off yesterday. i was that hairy. thank you pregnancy hormones. 

i felt a few flutters this week, just enough to remind me i have a little one growing finger nails in there. so weird to me, still. the one thing that is so different this time around is that i am not as consumed with being pregnant. last time, i could obsess over everything - every symptom, feeling, pang, flutter. this time around, i am still obsessing over everything that has to do with that first pregnancy - my sweet baby boy. wyatt is the absolute best distraction. i can't wait to see him as a big brother. it's when i look at him i am reminded at how fast time goes by. how can it be that i was once cooking that little bean? he's changed and grown up so much. thinking to a year from now and picturing two little munchkins playing together literally blows my mind. 

counting down the days until my life changes for the better, yet again. i am one blessed mama. that i haven't forgotten in the midst of all of my pregnancy brain blunders. (adding pregnancy brain to mom brain is a horrific combination, i'll tell you that much.)
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