girl power

i have, at certain points in this pregnancy, questioned the bond i have with my sweet girl and if we're behind schedule a bit. i can remember with wyatt feeling so incredibly connected to him. i know a lot of that has to do with the whole first pregnancy thing - and not having to do ANYTHING when you get home after work besides THINK about your sweet bambino growing inside you. i get that. that's not lost on me at all.

but it didn't mean it didn't make me feel badly that my little lady and i just didn't have the same quality time together as wyatt and i did before he was born. i have been relying on that moment my eyes meet hers. that's when our real story begins. or so i thought.

i think our story really started this week. without going super deep, or getting really detailed, she and i have had a few moments this week. moments i needed. reminders that she's mine. and i am hers. i am here to protect her. love her. no matter what. as a parent you learn the true meaning of unconditional love. and as mamas - we get the honor of "mama bear-ing" out on occassion. as hard as they are, these were the moments i think we needed to experience. i believe that our relationship is quickly forming already. she's my little girl.

we saw her sweet face this week and i am happy to report she is a beauty. she already seems to look a lot like her brother. which means, she already looks  a lot like her daddy. which means, the odds of me getting a mini me in the physical form are looking to be slim to none. (damn you, strong jensen genes!)

she's perfect. and she's ours. and we're beyond lucky.

i am thankful for this week and for the lessons she's already teaching me.

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